Hello ^^
I've been having the same question, except I'm a Sorcerer, and I don't pvp at all. Some friends told me it would be better to buy another good arcane pet and save the gold for the future (backpack, arcane weapons, new pets etc.). Plus Nekro has been the best pet for a long while, and it might be about time it stops being at the number one spot (or two, if you consider SnS better). Another thing is, lots of people already have it at this point, I saw the guildh full of them yesterday, and it makes me wonder if it'd be better to buy another pet instead. Another Sorcerer said it's not worth it unless I pvp.
On the other hand, I happen to pug more often than I run with guildies, but even then I sometimes see a Nekro, a Mari, and/or a Toor.
Those people who say Nekro is better than another arcane pet, why do you say that? What do you think will happen in the future? How long do you think Nekro will stay a pet worth its (really high for your average player) price?