aww wow rogues and mages are complaining now lmao?? Yes nrzj we all know you are zrzj , the rogue. For starters sts have not fixed juggernaut as they were supposed to. You think its fair for somebody with 3k armour to get 2 shotted in pvp? You think it was fun going in pvp as a tank and being murdered unless you had some decent gear and friends? With out the arc sword and its awesome proc, warriors become pointless again. To buff its proc will make warriors useless. Dont jump on our fun, its our time now to be OP. The only pathetic part of it, is that sts allowed all the items to become ridiculously cheap, so that any person new or old can buy the weapons or loot it. I see unknown tanks i've never heard off with 7k hp and no planar pendant but have mythic set, running around with Arc sword. Messed up right? Gone are the days where gear was ridiculously hard to get. And where there where a certain tier of people with great gear.. Now days the game is flawed , everyone has access to the best stuff, its a joke. And that is the problem. There is no fun in doing runs and achieving anything. Just buy gold, buy gear.. and tada u r op.. Notice all the newbies in game with under 20k pve kills, with nekro/sns/mythic set?.. How is that so sts?
Plz revise your strategy sts. Atleast let us be rewarded for our work and money spent. Game is becoming boring very fast.