Quote Originally Posted by Tapash Bose View Post
To each his choice..its not about pushing anything down anybody's throat..I have nothing against running with a tank..and I do so frequently..but it should not be something crafted in stone.Why is everybody sooooooooo very concerned with high rogue armor but every single one of them conveniently forgets the abnormally high damage of warriors.(with arcane sword it is easily 800 plus)..I think mathematics is a much better way to explain things rather than rhetoric...I will surely love to understand my lack of knowledge in skill and how i can make them up for the lost armor with that...
As by figures,An avg rogue has around 5k hp..while an warrior has 10k plus(armor wise almost 1.6 -1.7 times)..so where does the sick argument of rogue being a tank pop up ?
The reason for the high armour and health on a warrior is because we have to withstand heavy damage from many mobs all at once under taunt skills like jugg. And I guarantee u we get hit by more then 1.6-1.7 times more then a rogue. Dam I stand in a group of 8-10 rengol mobs and hold them back while the rogue kills the healer single. Before the nerf rogues would stand in this group and tank as a warrior does. This is all for the better in pve it has also made some pets more useful again. Example is whim. Rogues can use shadow veil instead of traps and Mage or rogue can use whim. With all the pets available in this day there as many opertunities within pts.