Quote Originally Posted by Ibis View Post
That's not what anyone is saying. People payed a lot of money to craft this set. STS promised us that the proc would make up for the stat loss. Rogues and Wars are using their sets. Mages are still using arcane ring and 41 amulet. The mage set is not living up to anyone's expectations. The original poster of this thread is simply asking sts to clarify what they envisioned for this set. I think that is a fair question to ask
sts knows what they are doing.There is a reason why this set hasn't been revamped I'm sure.If they were to give you a proper fix (which everyone would say is underpowered and complain anyways)it would be small.Its easy to say well match it to warriors set with a powerful proc.Nice thought but have you thought maybe just maybe it couldn't be balanced and have you guys be happy.you want this massive boost in power when you don't need it.I've seen many many many mage running around with very very nice pvp stats and excellent pve stats.maybe you need to change your play style.Not everyone plays the same and things as small as staying to left of the map or right can change the outcome of numerous situations.Many ways to own as a mage.As of now,I think each class has its ups and down like it should be.AGIAN,NO ONE FORCES YOU TO SPEND MONEY ON THIS GAME.NO ONE FORCES YOU TO USE THIS SET.OTHER MAGES DO JUST FINE IN ANY ASPECT OF THE GAME AND IF YOU CANNOT MAYBE YOU SHOULD CHANGE THE WAY YOU PLAY.if it has not been talked about yet but you know they are well aware of this issue then stop trying to force them to answer to you.85% of all mages I have seen big and small have had great pve pvp stats.every set for different characters are going to act different according to which character type.Just think about mechanics of a rpg.its basic knowledge really.

never seen so many "gamers" crying around before.every heard of roll with the punches?I would hate to play a pc or console pvp game with a lot of you...Excuse me?