Quote Originally Posted by Redjellydonut View Post
Ummm 250 plat!? For a difference of 5 lvls you guys charge 100 plat extra?....

Btw can someone clarify the sns pools? Are they weaker or stronger?
i guess i'll post it here too...

Regarding SNS pool, there was assumptions about how the pool does more damage pre-client 1.5 than after....

here's the quote from Zeus's post
Quote Originally Posted by Zeus View Post
3. SNS Damage/Healing Output Significantly Lowered
For some reason both the purple and green pools have been seriously weakened. The pools used to do 350-400 damage and 300 heal per tick. Now they do considerably less than this, over 100 less than before. Please look into this.

Video Showing DMG From Before:

Here's a Clash Video After The Initial Nerf. Please note that the pools are doing 200-250 damage to me THROUGH the nekro shield:

Now, the damage has been nerfed considerably. In the video above, they were nerfed once but I had checked after the nerf and the pools still did 300-400 damage. However, now the pools only do 100-200 damage and only heal 100-200 damage. Please fix this, STG...the video below clearly shows the difference.

Current SNS Damage/Heal:
So im assuming it will be back to the pre-client1.5 values (originally, un-nerfed) after the fix