Quote Originally Posted by Right View Post
Why not instead of demanding your "armor" back wich it was never meant in the first place why not use armor gems pet and use pots?
rouges indeed were more tankier then warriors and remember when everyone was saying tanks suck dont party them their better off naked bla bla bla and now reality hits you and what you do come here and make a thread almost every day right? if they give your "armor" back there's gonna be consequences i wouldn't be making any more threads if i was you,and remember the cake exploiters that made over 100m gold of it someone was even making threads on how to do it can you get any more selfish then that?
1.A skilled warrior is always an asset and so I seriously doubt warriors who complain about not getting a party...Problem surely is in them and not in the class
2.If u really are looking for balance then ask the warr dmg to be limited within 500 and then talk and the forum can see how selfless u are..Charity always begins at home
3.For the last 2 years it is the warriors who have been complaining..not the skilled ones but the ones who ppl will never party twice.Search the forums and see how many threads are on that
4.Last it is always a better idea to learn your class better than commenting on other classes