Quote Originally Posted by konafez View Post
My fellow arlorians

Hail is trying to slip his icy fingers into this election (see what I did there)

And the potato party is trying to install deep fryers in all the taverns , the grease fires...ohh the grease fires!

Some campaigns would try to put arlorian puppys out of work, or banish all the arcane deer..I say pets are people too!

I am running on the simple promise to make arlor cake, again! (I finally found that recipe!)

And to find out what Knox is up to down there in the basement! Where did he get that Stargate!

I have hired the a.r.s.e.s to do investigative work , and my vice president is working with arlorian coffee farmers to help with the economy. (she consumes 90% of what that grow)

So on election day remember...make arlor cake, again!


P.s. my stash is not the issue here..there is nothing to see in my stash (best attempt at Jedi mind trick) do not look in my stash

Dang, im sooo gonna lose this.
