Quote Originally Posted by Fyrce View Post
Powerleveling should come with disclaimers:

Warning! Use of this powerleveling service will likely result in the following:

*You will be addicted and unable to proceed on your own. You will always need to follow someone else.
*Powerleveling advances your purported level. It does not advance your play level.
*You will not know anything about the game. Exploration is not part of this service and ignorance is a symptom of this addiction.
*You will be undergeared. Powerleveling will not give you gold or gear and in fact might cost you gold and gear.
*You will be underskilled. Powerleveling will not teach you what skills to get or how to use them.
*You will die a lot. Powerleveling does not teach any survival. In fact, you must agree to follow, not lead.
*You will be lonely. Friends come from normal game play and takes time. Powerleveling is not normal game play and cuts down play time.
*You will be derided. All of the above will reveal you as a powerleveling addict with all the attached weaknesses.
*You will be booted. Other players will want to play with their friends or want to play in a competent group.
*You will be bored since you will be unable to play on your own or lead your own games and others will be leery of playing with you.

If you agree with all of the above and wish to proceed, then Welcome to Our Powerleveling Service!


There you go. A proper powerleveling disclaimer and disclosure agreement. Please use it. Thanks!
dude... that is HILARIOUS!!!! and so true unfortunately. although if you want to get rid of powerlevelers, just have the devs make it impossible for underlevellrd chars to use XP pots in higher level dungeons! then they'll be forced to do it the long and arduous way that rest of us have done it. that list made me crack up though man