OMG.. Thank you Maarkus for this impressive museum!
OMG.. Thank you Maarkus for this impressive museum!
barristen, elitwarrio, Fyrce, Iliketolol, jeocapat, Justg, khar, Maarkus, Mdy, Mel030, onadraosari, Veenihiv, Vixenne, Zozobanafea
Woooooow....absolutely wow man. Thats awesome.
If you visit this tavern, first thing you will notice is the amount of hardwork put into these weapons by dev team..
And remember this is just a small part of game itself.
We often criticise studio about the things wrong with game but forget to thank them for their hard work.
Thanku dev team for putting so much hardwork in game!
i wanna see whats on da right wall xD
bet its that rare warrior rare shield
True lol I forgot to refer that. Just multiple x3 with mage and rogue weapons, then rest of gear and vanities etc etc lol well..I usually criticize a lot STS for not banning cheaters and other stuff eheh... but their dedication to this game and all the details is outstanding and admirable!
That is absolutely AMAZING! *-*
Is this house public?
IGN: Traosabara
Awesome job Mark!!
Thats a fantastic collection bro
If a burglary system is implemented I know where I'm heading.
Awesome job
- (un) Retired -