Quote Originally Posted by Energizeric View Post
Yeah, this has happened with other items after every event over the past year.

In the first 2 years of AL, there were only a few events, and during that time only a few smart merchants thought to buy up event gear to sell after the event. After the first Tarlok event, I can remember buying the Tarlok warrior armors and helms for less than 1k each, and selling them 3 months later for 50k+ each.

The problem is, many other players apparently noticed what me and a few other merchants did. So beginning with the first Goblin event, I noticed that prices initially spiked right after the event was over due to everyone wanting to become a merchant and stash some items away for future selling. The problem is that when you have too many merchants, all you need is a few who are willing to sell cheap and prices start to crash. And that is what happened about a week after that first Goblin event. Prices came back down, and were even lower than during the event.

Three or four players who hoard an item can control the market somewhat and keep the price high, even if there is no communication between them. With the Tarlok gear back in early 2014, I never spoke to any other merchants about pricing. We just all seemed to respect each other and never undercut each other by any significant amount.

But when you have dozens of players hoarding the same items, that control is lost, and prices will fall when players decide to sell unless there is demand for these items among the player base.
Thanks for the info , I am not scared of the market crashes in any way. STS had to have seen this coming, and they probably have a back up plan. I only made this thread to give some insight on what MIGHT happen, I don't want people complaining about how STS screwed up the economy, when they should shoulder some blame too.