I will get too much hate but it is minor.
No one said that you must twink.
It's your choice.
Think about it, there are more players in endgame than in twink brackets together lol.(No L46 in that bracket)
It's just a waste to come back to L16 just for twinks wish. So much expansions came from L16 that is too old. Yes for some L16 twinking is fun but you must look for new players. New players even if they want they wouldn't have twink because gear is so expensive. It's better to focus on new expansions and events than creating new twink gear. I think that this is more than clear. Don't be selfish. You're already too powerful enough for your level.
One things more - good friend of mine is L16 twink, i wouldn't mention his name, but he is OP mage, every good twink knows him for sure, and he said that mostly of the time PVP rooms are empty.
Now the hate.