Quote Originally Posted by ilhanna View Post
When I soloed the map before the nerf the mage had a long range conical red warning zone that to me then seemed even longer than aimed shot 14m range, and pretty wide so that to skirt it means running into other mob which included the undead rogue, and the attack came fast and I would die before I could even come close enough to Breeze freeze him or stun him with arcane daggers. After a third such death, still on the same solo run, I switched back to Nekro, shielded up and ran to finish him quickly; the undead mage isn't hard to kill. I only found out they have the curse attack when I started running with party and in the hectic melee we didn't see the mage to kill it fast enough (several times this happened because it got pulled into trap/Swift AA and we rogues couldn't single it out for fast kill). After more runs we learned to save Nekro's for encounter with the undead mage, so the tank could walk in, take aggro, and the DPS can single out the mage for quick kill before it unleashes curse. I would use razor shield when attacking it and warrior could heal once Nekro shield went down. It's helpful to have a sorcerer who can quickly stun with Fireball and while shielded Frost Bolt the undead mage so it's safer to kill. Obviously this doesn't always work this smoothly every time especially if we ran into the mage while my Nekro still on coold down or there is no sorcerer in party who can freeze. But we found this worked and after hotfix survivability became even better.
Ty for this info.