Quote Originally Posted by Golem View Post
As we saw and see in AL even when few ppl own some Coolest Pets, items..... Sts still bringing the pets and the items back to game, it seems that makes more ppl love the game and makes the game succeed.
So as we see only few ppl left with some Rarest items in game... as we players see outside the game how some ppl doing things against TOS with them... not worth to talk here cus my points isnt that... my point is that if Sts brings all old l71 elites, l71 3 x elite weapons guests, founder helm and a lot more COOL things which made ppl to love the game but unfortanly sts took those things back from us which made us happy. So easies update which sts can do and gonna bring PL alive again and i blieve it will succeed PL once again alot is bring all those awesome things back. I dont blieve ppl care much about leveling (new cap).
Ik maybe some atm active ppl may be against this ide cus they propaply the ppl who own thise things and who still playing this game cus they are cool items. So there is the point am telling. No one will leave if they also had those awesome things.

Love ya and love PL still.
Would be nicer if it was a developer idea, would be nicer if you guys just stop doing this, would be nicer if you didn't post this, would be great if it just was a surprise, please stop.