Same things from last year, like halloween
Same things from last year, like halloween
Better snowman with darkness aura or trowing snowballs like hawken
New recoloured vanities,maybe some new pets, the brood will be the same or just a recolour...
What I would really like:
No recoloured vanities, maybe some mythic/arcane weapons or armor and new pets (like a giant yeti)
Probly a cool arcane pet and new lv61 arcane weapons.
Think we should get a pet that "freezes time". We get to beat up baddies for 5 seconds and if we take all their health then they explode into snowflakes.
some cute christmass wing that kanda looks like the winter tree vest with lights on them that keep changeing color cool new tokens we can farm to use to buy hous decor instead of huge amount of plat that way lots of f2p people can enjoy housing more (on that note what about a housing thief loool i love thief event xD) for pet i think its like a rain dear pet with a big red nose. for the banner... most probably last years one,would like to see a more unqe banner like one with a star on the top droping down snowy stuf like last years plat tier banner and if combod with wings gives it will drop gifts (like how the 10mil vanty drops gold) Don't ad any mytic gear pleas to keep the price's high on the ones from stage 4 rater make an updated speed set drop there (that can not work in pvp)(so the old ones keep there value and the new ones gives a bit more accessiblty to all the normal players that can afford 6-9 mila set,oops forgot if its gone be a plain banner can it be pink we need a pink banner 0.0 (well these weren't prediction more of some requests ((with horrible spelling))ty for reading! )
prediction: rember nords frost gaints? a war,mage ,rogue type of those!!!!
THE COMBO when combod it givesoff snow like particles
(sorry for color problems its 4 a.m and im to sleepy to fix it xD hope that the images are sendid
The color of lights on the vanity changes! like a Christmas tree changeing colors!)
love all these predictions. i hope they come true.
It is possible to kill monsters without the best gear and the newest pets. So who usually buys the items we loot? Most of us pve runners usually run for loot that we can sell to competitive PVP players in exchange for gold. It is assumed that main consumers (of looted items) in this game - are the PVP players and they must want to play to keep the wheel running.
So I predict a focus on PVP and new pvp related updates (new pvp maps, battlegrounds, removal of 3 member team rule to start the game in CTF, etc). But my crystal ball does get a bit foggy in Winter!
probably vanities like gingerbread or a pet like ginger bread
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ice golem pet mybe??we do hv yeti type pet (sassy & yowie) so why not
Maybe a new legendary dragon pet, winter themed
New lb sets
New mythic gear or maybe a new op ring
~Optimism to the max!!!
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How about more Call of Champions vanities? XD
Or maybe just a Ginger Bread Vanity
bugs....glitches......and then event extended XD
Blue arlors!
IGN: Kakashi <Deviant Misfits> - We run PVE!
Boogie in a santa outfit!
Can someone make warr vanity like this too?
And pet
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