Quote Originally Posted by jinathedemo View Post
Vroom, you talk alot about gold inflation. How does a game where you have no market suffer from inflation? I am not very educated on the subject of game economies.
It de-values the challenges of obtaining certain things in the game, for new and older players. For example, when we release a new Champion, it costs 600,000 gold, and then gold to tier up. If, when we release a new Champion, everyone already has 600,000+ gold saved they will instantly purchase the Champion and level it to tier 10 which is both bad for us and the game. These players will be sitting with a Tier 10 champion without actually knowing how to play it. The challenge of leveling a character up is also something to keep players coming back to CoC. If you log in, suddenly have the new Champion at Tier 10, you have less reason to come back and play tomorrow.

Giving too much gold to newer players causes similar issues. Part of the reason newer players don't have as many Champions is so they play more with Champions they understand to further develop their skills in the game. Getting gold too quickly for them allows them to get past this tutorial stage and have a bunch of Champions they don't know how to play, making matches with that person more difficult if they're on your team, and less fun for them because they don't understand why they keep losing, and aren't improving as quickly because they keep changing from Champion to Champion.