Quote Originally Posted by Instanthumor View Post
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Imo, I wouldn't say mages have more "defense" than rogues. Mages can get one shot with or without shield. I see rogues often barely surviving off a combo... on the other hand, one crit is all you need to kill a mage.

The mobility offered by the set makes positioning easier. Good tanks can pull it off... positioning is everything. I've been back for only a little while but it is obvious that your team's win condition is based on your dps vs opposing dps. A tank that can delay the opposing dps from accessing backline is one good tank, and the speed set helps. Of course, I don't play tank so this is just an honest assumption.
i agree with you, both mages and rogues are squishy af rn. Mage can be oneshot with arc shield, but rogue can also be one shot with nekro shield. All it takes is 1 crit for both. My main point was the OP shouldnt complain about mage survivability when rogues are just as squishy, and mages can join fights much easier due to invulernability on their shield.