Quote Originally Posted by Raww View Post
I've done a CoC suggestion thread in the past as to what I thought would be great for CoC to do, but since then I've matured and put thought into the things I would personally like to be seen/done in this upcoming new year! I will be somewhat thorough in this thread.

Agenda: Champions
1. New Champions. (of course)

2. New Skins.

3.Champion nerfs, buffs, and bug fixes. (This is discussed in the Call of Champions Band Group)

4. Champion statistics. (Showing how much health, dmg, dps, armor, movement speed, etc. for each champion)

5. Champion Voices. (This has been added to cinder and seraphina so far. It would be great to hear our champs speak during combat, rather than just listening to the music for 5 minutes)

6. Shows champion with skin when showing our opponents before the 5 minute game starts. (Ex. We wait in queue and then the game starts. The screen before we are in the arena should show our champ with the skin if we have one)

Agenda: Game Modes
1. 1v1. (This has been added to the game in practice mode, but why not versus? In addition there are still two lanes, when I personally think it should only be one. Lose one of the lanes, but keep one powerup and the team powerup area.)

2. 2v2. (Again add to versus, but both lanes in this one is good)

3. Team Deathmatch. ( 5min game. First team to 10 kills wins. No orbs or towers in this mode, just killing! If tied, the team with the most champ dmg wins)

4. Capture the Orb. (5 min game. No towers. One lane. The team who keeps the orb in the opponents base the longest within the 5 mins wins. If tied, the team with the most kills win)

5. Solo Rank queue needs a timer. (This is a must, many people who play solo rank and who refuses to play with the team given to them shuffles through champions, holding the queue in place, until someone else disbands the game for them. This tactic has been used by a lot of solo rank players, excluding me, and it is very selfish towards other players)

Agenda: Seasons
1. The game should have seasons. (Just like arcane legends)

2. Each season the solo rank and team rank leaderboards reset.

3. Each season, the top 5 solo rank players receive a custom gold badge. Top 10 receives a custom silver badge, and top 20 receives custom bronze badge)

4. Each Season, the #1 team rank team receives gold badge, #2 team receives silver, and #3 receives bronze.

Agenda: Chests
1. Add chests to the game. (We get chests through quests, versus and rank matches, purchase of gold, and purchase with platinum)

2. Bronze, Silver, and Gold Chests.

3. Bronze Chest- Acquired by quests and random off wins in versus or ranked. (This chest provides 2 of the following rewards: A high chance of 10k-20k gold, a medium chance of 1-3 platinum and a free talent respec scroll, a 35% chance of a new badge, and a 5-10% chance of a new skin)

4. Silver Chest- Acquired by Quests and purchased in store for 15k or 20k gold. (This chest provides 3 of the following rewards: A high chance of 15k-25k gold, free talent respec scroll, and 2-4platinum, medium chance of 26k-35k gold, 5-6 platinum, and a new badge, and a 15%-20% chance of new skin)

5. Gold Chests- Acquired for 10 or 15 platinum in store. (This chest provides 4 of the following rewards: A high chance of 30k-45k gold, free talent respec scroll, a new badge, and 3-7 platinum, a medium chance of 46k-55k gold and 8-10 platinum, a 25%-30% chance of a new skin, and 10%-15% chance of a new champion)

Agenda: Other
1. Add achievement gold rewards.

2. New and unique badges.

3. Redesign map for seasonal/holiday times. (Ex. Winter, Halloween, summer, etc.)

4. A in game store. (For chests, skins, and champions)

5. Tournaments.

6. Redesign Call of Champions Main menu screen. (For more appeal)

7. 2 or 3 free champs a day. (So new players won't get bored with the three champs they start off with)

8. Replace pings with Global and team chat in game. (This honestly would be a huge improvement while playing versus or ranked. Rather than making out what a teammate is trying to say with pings, chatting would be more effective)

9. Afk Punishment system. (Though this rarely happens when I play alongside teammates, I see people in global chat complain that it happens to them. People going afk in game should face some sort of consequence, such as being unable to play versus or ranked for hours after a certain number of reports towards them. They would only be able to play practice until their punishment is over)

This is my 2017 Resolution list for this game. I had so many ideas for this game and just had to share it! If you guys have any questions, comments, oe would like to add your own ideas, dont hesitate to post down below.

No badge for seasons just plat and special chests. Skins for tournaments only.
If it's up to 10 kills don't put a timer?
Agree with the rest, so detailed :O