Quote Originally Posted by Jazzi View Post
If you already have nilbog do not go buying little bear. Nilbog is definitely better than little bear. Blinky is good, but is most useful for soloing, especially tough bosses. I would suggest you go for arcane pet next ad stick to your nilbob until then
I use nilbog as slot for AA
Vlad as base

Quote Originally Posted by voidPtr View Post
This is a pve pet thread, i'm pretty sure. For legendary and bellow pets - mythic and arcanes excluded.

And most of the suggestions here are for '1 target hitter' pets - they may be better suited against a boss, not against many targets(mobs).
'Many target hitters' are all of the frogs and dragons and some of the crocks(breeze,frosteye).
There are some melee pets that hit several targets in front of them (from 1 to 4 most often) - gloom, yowie, sassy.
And there are ranged pets that hit three targets - slobber,breezaga, some spiders(violet,shadowlurk).
Most of the other melee pets are '1 target hitters', no-matter what their description says - it may say 'up to three' or 'up to four' targets, but in practice it's very hard to make them to hit more than one target.

@Rgasah If you like vlad, you can open ironbite which has exactly the same passive. And two more with very similar passive are flapjack and fritters.
For ppl that don't know, the good thing about these is that they can sometimes stun with their passive. But i personally find their stun to be too rare to be too useful - may be in 5%-20% of the their hits.
@ForgottenWarrior Little bear has exactly the same passive as Dovabear. Which means it has some usefulness against a boss, it has 'heavy bleed' and not that bad debufs. (@Jazzi and I personally do not think nilbog has better passive than the bears).
Yes i like Vlad. He stun bosses 1-2 times during fight (tarlok/syrillax) so i guess I'm just lucky. Mobs also pretty often in mausoleum. Thank you for info about ironbite. Ill go for it