why care for pvp more then anything else currently? i have made suggestions about things u could add into this game that will make ot more enjoyable. yes mage class is OP. but 3pc arzac with blaster and warband can combat against a 4pc magor mage. and this has been proven by waug. buff the warband so it adds dodge for 3pc arzac set. even adding a 80 cap vanity would be good balance for mage vs mage pvp also reducing the account buying that pvp guilds do just to have the advantage over everyone else. im not saying to just give this to us, but to add a quest or adding a l81 cap that you have to get 350k xp like the 77 cap you had to get 300k xp just to get 2pc ring. str set for bears and 4pc arzac does need to be buffed. mages need armor to pvp. armor on mages is alot of the time what prevents a 4pc arzac bird from nuking a 4pc magor mage. also dodge is crazy on mage. dodge on mage does need to be nerfed a bit but not too much because that would turn everyone else away from pure int pvping. i find pure mage pvp really fun. Not because its op but because u have to have skills to be a pure int player in general, not just for l80 cap. during 77 cap 97% of mages that pvped were pallies. you had to have skills to be a pure int player. lust staff set could combat a 77 pally but it was very rare. but to be honest all in all. mages do need to be slightly "nerfed" but not "nuked"