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  1. #21
    Senior Member Waug's Avatar
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    First off, thanks for implementing this made endgame already much smoother.

    Quote Originally Posted by asommers View Post
    + New super-Elite sets give more Armor depending upon class.
    It's not clear to me where & how much armor has been added, although it seems like in the wrong place. Because I proposed -

    Quote Originally Posted by Waug View Post
    2> 2h special elites eg. Arzac blaster should make set with DEREX for speed boost ONLY just like the speed bonus we get from 4 piece DEREX set. Then those 3 piece Derex/intex/strex should make set with Warband ring but this time differently -
    Warband + Derex 3 piece set - + 30 armor
    Warband + intex set 3 piece set - + 50 armor
    Warband + Strex set 3 piece set - + 70 armor
    If this is not possible then derex/intex/strex set bonus should get such bonus variations & warband would provide +30 armor to all.
    More armor to 3piece Intex set and even more armor to Srex 3 piece sets because 3 pc STR and INT sets are not still viable and need more boosting BUT it was not for 4pc sets int set already have much armor, need slight nerf in it TBH. Although I'll still advocate for str set getting bit more armor to actually be able to tank.

    *) 2h weapons don't make set, eg arzac blaster doesn't make set with derex so it does not get the added health boost that 4 piece sets are getting. It should make set or simply provide the boost.

    Quote Originally Posted by iceQueen69 View Post
    I think the most recent damage nerf/hp increase helped towards balancing classes in a 1v1 setting, but in ctf mages are tanky enough to constaintly chain rev. Fights seem almost never ending. Can anything be done here?

    edit: like make res start on cd when you respawn mb?
    There are some holes, and those holes should be filled, it's not suppose to work for 1-1 only. As I mentioned above, at current situation mages have high armor and should be lowered for sure. I'll use points, not to make it lengthy -

    1) At current situation INTEX 4 piece set armor is high and should be lowered [ I'd say -30 to -40 from total ]
    2) Intex armor provide 25% hit for example, what's the point of such hit on INT set, Should be nerf more than half from every piece so that total hi% should not be more than 150 even bit less which is more than 200 if I'm not wrong. Same goes for STR set but nerf should be low here because then their viability would be a bigger question for now.
    3) After nerfing HIt, dodge, hp regen etc it's time for Mana, without touching low level, it should be again nerfed from ALL endgame special elites.

    Quote Originally Posted by KingFu View Post
    Agree 100%. Individually mages don't seem too ridiculous, but in numbers it becomes overwhelming. Armor and especially dodge should be lowered in favor of a minor damage boost. A buffed int mage shouldn't have 625-655 armor and 30 dodge. Either heal or health pools should also be re-worked since heal only replenishes a small fraction of your health pool now. I'd say add a noticeable heal boost to Intex wand set so it doesn't mess with lower levels since their health pools didn't change, or just lower health/mana pools a tad in general.
    Although intex piece have more dodge than magor after overall dodge nerfing from stats and has more armor & dodge should be lowered, it should NOT be the case that heal should actually replenishes a small fraction, the health pool itself bigger now, having such high heal actually create superiority from other classes. Adding further damage is not fair either because at luckiest point drain already has the highest damage than anything else at average it's still quite high.

    Quote Originally Posted by KingFu View Post
    The two big skills that need reworking with mage are mana shield and res. Mana shield should have its armor buff stripped, since +40 at rank 9 almost acts as a second BoV. Also, perhaps I'm asking for a bit much here, but MS should also get an absorption cap. That way shield can be broken by any class, and in the event of blast missing/being dodges it isn't game over. The absorption cap would basically limit MS to only absorb a set number of damage before popping. So it would last either the 12 seconds, or until x amount of damage is absorbed. The damage value would increase the higher the skill is ranked. As for res, I agree that it needs to have a change to its cooldown. 6.5 seconds is way too fast, and I've never seen a game allow mages to use their revive skill so frequently. I think the cd should be at least twice that, and as you said should start its cd once a mage is revived. CtF has basically become whoever can spam res more. I think other classes could use a few tweaks such as str bear becoming more tanky (not dodgy), but mage is easily the one that requires the most work right now. Int mage basically plays like a pally right now.
    The suggestion looking good but then I don't think they would like to work on such basic thing and alter that, rather as I suggested above mana should be nerfed from all endgame set because other classes don't get the benefit of high mana at all, but mage do exploit it all. Nerfing mana should solve the issue to a great extent with other issues. IKR with that lowered ms some mages exploiting tree, hide till ms again and on 3vs3 it would be another pain, I didn't suggest to lower ms cooldown

    Quote Originally Posted by KingFu View Post
    One big issue I have though is hit, especially for anything below endgame. I think the attributes were perfectly balanced before with how they gave hit as a base stat. Now, it's way too low. My level 55 enchanted staff mage has 83 hit%! What was the point in lowering dodge if at many levels a lower hit is going to give the same result or skills missing due to luck? It's counter intuitive. Meanwhile, my 80 mage has a staggering 210+ hit%, which is laughably high. Hit should be high enough to where I can confidently land a majority of my skills, but low enough to where skills like hell scream and blind shot can actually have an impact. Between my 55 and my 80, they're at two different ends of the spectrum and neither seems practical. For this I'd say un-nerf hit and change the attribute values back so that each class (mainly anything int) actually has a chance to land their skills. It was way better previously. If there's really a need to add some sort of containment to hit though, implement a hit cap. I know 100 is technically the "cap," but I mean put in a hard cap that hit can't rise past. 100 for bears, 125 for mages, 150 for birds, or something to that extent. I think there would be better solutions such as tinkering with the stats and coming up with appropriate values that would scale properly across different levels based on stat investment and removing hit boosts from gear entirely, but I think a hit cap would be a much quicker fix. At the very least I think hit should revert back to the way it was before though.
    As I said early endgame int & str sets have high hit% added in it, which shouldn't be the case, but it's true that all attribute points (str-dex-int) giving close result at hit % which should not be either. For endgame nerfing hit from endgame pieces can do the trick FOR NOW and for lower level, the result should be as earlier that's true.
    Last edited by Waug; 01-10-2017 at 09:45 AM.

  2. #22
    Guardian of Alterra KingFu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Waug View Post
    Although intex piece have more dodge than magor after overall dodge nerfing from stats and has more armor & dodge should be lowered, it should NOT be the case that heal should actually replenishes a small fraction, the health pool itself bigger now, having such high heal actually create superiority from other classes. Adding further damage is not fair either because at luckiest point drain already has the highest damage than anything else at average it's still quite high.
    I don't think heal replenishing more than a small fraction would create an imbalance since there's a trade-off. That's exactly what heal did before the health pools were increased, and how heal has acted since the start of the game. Reverting it back should work fine alongside other changes. If I only said heal should get a boost then I'd agree with you, it would make mage ridiculous. But intex needs a drop in armor and dodge, health/mana pools could use readjusting, and some other tweaks should be made such as str bear getting some of its tanky-ness back. As it stands, intex mage plays way more like a savage pally than anything else. It needs to shed its bulkiness and reclaim its role as support with heal and damage output/AoE.

    The suggestion looking good but then I don't think they would like to work on such basic thing and alter that, rather as I suggested above mana should be nerfed from all endgame set because other classes don't get the benefit of high mana at all, but mage do exploit it all. Nerfing mana should solve the issue to a great extent with other issues. IKR with that lowered ms some mages exploiting tree, hide till ms again and on 3vs3 it would be another pain, I didn't suggest to lower ms cooldown
    I agree, probably wishful thinking on my part that effort of that size would be put into one skill. I think both mana and health shields are just generally too high right now combined with endgame set stats. An intex mage fully buffed with MS sits at 30 dodge, ~665 armor, ~950 health, ~1,480 mana, which is egregious. I definitely think MS needs its armor buffed stripped at the very least. I'd be in support of really any change made to it though, including a shorter duration.

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    Quote Originally Posted by KingFu View Post
    I don't think heal replenishing more than a small fraction would create an imbalance since there's a trade-off. That's exactly what heal did before the health pools were increased, and how heal has acted since the start of the game. Reverting it back should work fine alongside other changes. If I only said heal should get a boost then I'd agree with you, it would make mage ridiculous. But intex needs a drop in armor and dodge, health/mana pools could use readjusting, and some other tweaks should be made such as str bear getting some of its tanky-ness back. As it stands, intex mage plays way more like a savage pally than anything else. It needs to shed its bulkiness and reclaim its role as support with heal and damage output/AoE.

    I agree, probably wishful thinking on my part that effort of that size would be put into one skill. I think both mana and health shields are just generally too high right now combined with endgame set stats. An intex mage fully buffed with MS sits at 30 dodge, ~665 armor, ~950 health, ~1,480 mana, which is egregious. I definitely think MS needs its armor buffed stripped at the very least. I'd be in support of really any change made to it though, including a shorter duration.
    If you are talking about nerfing ms for a whole Pl levels mages, then I must dosagree with you, I (for example) barely stand an angel bird (using my ms) even if he wastes his blast before I do ms, I still have small chance to win, since at 66, you need a to make a decent build, where not all skills can be maxed to be good at pvp. But if you are talking only bout endgame, then I can't tell anything here since my main is 66

  4. #24
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    As for hit, looking at it the new stat ratio is 10dex/20int/33str = 1hit%, so super cut and dry numbers. Fiddling around with numbers, I think those values should be changed to 8dex/14int/40str = 1hit% to raise the base stat distribution. In turn, remove hit boosts that are granted from the helm/armor/shield/wep, but keep in the hit boosts added from rings and faces. Base hit should also be bolstered from 65% to 70% to help lower levels a bit. Also, str may seem low, but no one ever uses pure str, so dex compensates for it.

    Here's a few random numbers from chars with the adjusted 8/14/40 numbers and no hit boost from set items:

    80 pure int mage with intex and 3pc ring: ~133 hit% (128% with staff)
    80 pure dex bird with derex talon/3pc: ~167 hit% (~160% if it had a bow)
    80 min str rest dex bear with strax 1H/3pc: ~122 hit%

    All these values are just way more practical. All numbers should be within 3 points of what would be exact, since it varies slightly on a few factors like faces.

    As for other levels, which is a big reason why I think these values should be altered:
    56 pure int charmin mage: 96 hit%
    56 min str rest dex sm bear: 94 hit%
    56 Pure dex obe xbow bird: 113 hit%

    All of these numbers are without a ring or hit face, so you could achieve 4-8% more hit with a 3pc and a face. All these numbers look pretty spot on with what they should.

    I first tried different numbers, but lower levels go shafted by quite a bit, so I changed the numbers to better fit and also figured the base hit% should be made 70 to help balance it.

    Here are stats (no ring) for level 30s:
    Pure int BF mage: 83hit%
    Pure dex shivering xbow bird: 91 hit%
    Iceberg min str bear: 79 hit%

    Also keep in mind no one ever PvPs with straight FN sets.

    These numbers are still a little low, but again could get boosted by about 4-8% with a ring/face combo. One method to help lower levels would be to only remove hit% boost from items that create a set. Non-set items are virtually useless to anything above level 50, and any once-useful non-set items like BT now only give a minute hit% boost (BT gives 1% a piece now). Or simply remove the stat from all items level 50+, whichever is easier to implement. It'd help lower levels still achieve a reasonable hit without impacting higher levels.

    To reiterate, the stat=1 hit% ratios should be changed to 8dex/14int/40str = 1hit% from their current stats. All helm/wep/armor/shield items (potentially only ones that make a set/level 50+) should lose any hit% contribution they might give. Rings and faces should retain their hit boost. Lastly, the base hit% should be raised from 65% to 70. I think that'd almost entirely solve hit% issues across the board with only a few quick fixes.

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    What he said ^
    nothing lasts forever

  7.   This is the last Dev post in this thread.   #26
    Design Department Cinco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KingFu View Post
    To reiterate, the stat=1 hit% ratios should be changed to 8dex/14int/40str = 1hit% from their current stats. All helm/wep/armor/shield items (potentially only ones that make a set/level 50+) should lose any hit% contribution they might give. Rings and faces should retain their hit boost. Lastly, the base hit% should be raised from 65% to 70. I think that'd almost entirely solve hit% issues across the board with only a few quick fixes.
    I like this. Will see what I can do for next update. Thanks.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cinco View Post
    I like this. Will see what I can do for next update. Thanks.
    Hit debuff doesn't seems to work as intended, my blind at 9 (60%) should debuff opponent's ~130 hit% to significantly less than 100 and should have the effects accordingly but I didn't notice any such.

    You really need to tone down (4 piece wand set) mages, they all ruling everything else on arena, mana is really high, armor is pretty high.

    Also please make it clear that, we gonna have crafted 2h weapons or not eg Derex blaster, then we can actually have an clear picture about the situation.

    P.S. : I just did a little bit PvP with my bear and found, hellscream (60% hit debuff) is working and making opponent miss.
    Last edited by Waug; 01-12-2017 at 09:41 AM.

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    I suggest not rushing everyone and get u bye

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    Quote Originally Posted by ozuce View Post
    I suggest not rushing everyone and get u bye
    I suggest u to stay away from my thread IF you don't have anything valuable to add in this topic
    Last edited by Waug; 01-13-2017 at 11:09 AM.

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