Quote Originally Posted by Candyloverz View Post
1. You can unlock the awakening feature once you've reached level 41 or above. Awakening gives your weapon additional stats. The first time you awaken your weapon only needs an awakening elixir,they only cost 5k at the store. For further awakenings, they require the crafted awakening gems or elite awakening gems which you can buy for plat at the store or with gold at cs.
2. If you're level 50 or above,try forgotten citadel in underhul,they give huge amounts of exp ! Daily quests also yield 5k exp per day too!
3. When you reach endgame, go try elite southern gates, the boss gives 1k-3k gold usually,but with gold loot weapons, they can give more gold ! Graveyard and Mausoleum maps give lots of gold and loot too !

Hope this helped
Thank you!!