So after capping at 61, there is no option to get pve kills but deaths still counts in all maps. Why does deaths counts when kills dont. Not getting a single kill in mausoleum graveyard and all elites crypts. It will result to a lot deaths with less kills in future. I don't know if there exist a way to get more kills, whatever I do gives zero kills.
Why pve kills still have to be considered for lb? It is ofc not farmable at 61, some people staying at 58 to take advantage of it.
My point is considering pve kills in AP clashes is just a biased judgement, New player do not get chance to get place. It is just favoring someone who may did Marco in past or started game earlier.
You can simply have mausoleum points as secondary consideration for clashing APs it will motivate to over grind good player, then they will ofc take new players in pt and new players will also get their lightbearer ranks. And it will be new faces coming on lb.