Just after the mega nerf I sold my dex set and bought INTEX set to be on the challenging side
These clips are from that period, after mega nerf of int set but before the latest updates, it's time to find how much int mages were weak [ or WAS IT REALLY WEAK? ] AGAINST OTHER CLASSES at that particular time -
There's one other but great video from one EXTREAMLY PRO mage in the exact same period, in supporting pretty pretty much weak mages, his/her OUTSTANDING PRONESS really amazed me in this video, so please watch it carefully :O -
I'd not post the video, but only because -
Sorry I really don't waste my time trying against such pro mage, but maybe if i buy intex again
On a more serious note :- I said the purpose, but anybody who followed my posts and threads know that I advocated for int set should get more armor till date EVEN BEFORE blaster making set NOW with warband and providing whooping more stat bonus.
On a side note, This video ain't monetized yet but I'll do that after few days, removing the embedding :P