Quote Originally Posted by Suentous PO View Post
You put words in ppls mouths and twist what they say. When he said hard work it was specifically mentioning other items in a separate sentence.

Yes it does now, minus human faces.

Hey, there's a good idea, new items.

Again twisting things and putting words in ppls mouths- No one said they were "better than you".
To compare this to racism is disingenuous and hyperbolic to say the least, you couldn't be more wrong.

"shunned", really? Lol ppl need to take responsibility for their own perceptions and grow some thick skin before they go on line
Oh please. We all have our own perceptions. Wrong is such a vague and relative term. You're as wrong as I am.

It may not be you, but you know that most of the community that still plays started a long time ago, and you know that a lot of people openly belittle new players.

What matters is experience. If you joined on the release date and never played since then, you would automatically have a founders. Did you deserve it? I don't think so.

I don't care if some people want exclusive items. It doesn't matter to me. But what does matter is the fact that people declare themselves better than others solely for owning some of these vanities, and as I mentioned, you may not be one of these people.

There's no point of me arguing any more. We got off on the wrong foot. I didn't mean to point you out in particular, but you cannot deny that the majority of the community has this mindset.

If things keep going like this, it doesn't matter how many updates PL gets, because as long as the player base doesn't increase, PL will remain a dead game.