Quote Originally Posted by Ticklish View Post

But please, there has to be a better way than giving players a random heart attack by immediately banning devices and accounts forever.

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From what I see the majority of the people who are banned earned it. They may be going further in chat logs and history and scrutinizing large sums of gold trades who knows. One of my officers said that people admit in LINE groups what they do, and often they boast about it. So yes. This last wave probably did cast a net to remove the last of the nefarious players who they have been watching. I think people that are constantly trying to cheat the game should indeed have a forced break.

With that said, the player that Sak is speaking about is someone that I would be totally shocked if she was involved with this stuff. She runs with her friends, none of who are banned. She isn't one who has large sums of gold, and the only thing that we see her do is lend her speed set to many people. I know this because they ask her in officer chat. She's a nice person and just a very down to Earth player who isn't consumed by what she does or does not own. She dabbles in PvP but her English isn't good enough to call someone a jerk let alone something complicated and hurtful. She isn't some technical guru. I mean, it's really hard for me to understand this and we really think she was caught by accident in the ban wave.

With that said, we just ask that StS does continue to ban and remove the players who deserve it. Yet keep on working with the people who did not and have sent in emails to support. This is an indie game company they don't have a lot of workers to handle this. But just please, take a look and either inform the players of their wrongdoings or lift their bans if an error has been made.

Thanks for listening. Take care everyone in Arlor. I know in Enigmatic we are telling everyone to be safe and only buy/sell in CS and to not transfer gear or gold. So far we have one officer down and one suspected member affected. Seems kind of light compared to other guilds who I know have been almost wiped out lately. Good luck to all!