Dear players(that want to reply),

Please don't write anything hateful or disrespectful. Doesn't get you anywhere. And that's not what I wanted when I started this. I was just wondering and decided to ask it here. I should have thought about the possible responses of players.

A while back Spacetimestudios informed us that they wouldn't develop anymore for Star Legends, Pocket Legends, and Dark Legends. So we should be happy that we got a event and "elite" weapons and implants update. But because I saw PL and DL got a event and some new stuff I just wondered if maybe SL would get a update to.

If I could I would removed this. Because I don't think I will get a responce so it doesn't really add anything anymore.

Blueprimed I understand your frustration. And also wish things where diffrent. But anger doesn't solve anything.

Hope to see you all in game so we can do some runs for good old times.
