Glowstik is made just to activate a quick shield to make u 1-2seconds secure... Tho the 95% reduction works fine.. it's about ur timing which probably isn't the best.. anyway.. after the first second the dmg reduction decreases a lot...

For example ur aimed does a dmg of 10k.. with 95% this will only do a dmg of 500.. after this first second it will go back to 75% which makes a dmg of 2.500, 55% will be 4.500, 35% will do 6.500 dmg (which is at 3-4 seconds) this 6.5k dmg will give u already instead death... So timing is critical...

About the removing part... If u combine it with nekro AA, it isn't bad at all.. u only have to focus when it's gonna curse.. that's all..


I'd give u as advice to practise ur timing more often if u got problems with the glow AA .. or just use nekro lol nd let someone else glow.