Quote Originally Posted by nightmaresmoke View Post
Would that discourage sts to make new designs?. since you want is to recycle and use your selected favorite armors and helms over and over and that's what vanities are for and it'll kill the vanities purpose too.

"An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, evil for evil"
1. If we could make anything a vanity in a way STS would have to work that much harder at creating new vanity designs.

2. Some players still prefer the current vanities

3. All the equipment is available to all players via farming, so shouldn't affect market.

4. Sts is a business so this has to work for players and Sts bottom line. So make the slot opened with a elixer that is purchased thru plat and is tradable for those that can't buy plat.
Then anytime you want to change the equipment look you use another elixer.

5. This would open up so many new individual looks and designs making everyone feel even more unique. Plus you get to farm on all the old maps. That's part of the fun