Quote Originally Posted by ilovemcnuggets View Post
i like hex ...immo is over rated ill break down why hex is better

its more accessible then immo
lvl 47 hex from vendor is not tradeable but accessible
lvl 51 hex in auction
it gets the job done for a cheap price
hex is good at some bosses believe it or not "bael in maus" for example...if used right its possible to basically banish bael with hex

hex can wipe a mob thats seperated abit
2-3 hex mages have banish basically

if the staff is more accessible to people its better
because more have it

immo mages should run with immo mages...cringe

hex staff mages should run with hex staff mages

put it like this

immo staff is the luxuary car everyone wants

hex is the car everyone should have

both get the job done

they take you from A to B

immo banishes but yeah .....good luck procing that thing properly on a mob thats seperated

hex procing afew times on a single target will kill

immo has a chance to kill right?
Being more accessible doesn't make it better bud it makes it more accessible ...the only thing I keep my flame staff for is bael and giants everything else immortal dominates