Quote Originally Posted by Redjellydonut View Post
Yes back then there was that female Dev lol i forgot her name xD but she and goldi would do twitch livestreams. So much more communication. But tbh the reason why i think this game is dying is cuz of the no support for twink lvls. No legendary weps. I remember pier was super crowded with twinks. But now u only see a tiny bit of twinks compared to back then. Thats like half the community gone and many of them were rich plat buyers which is good for sts so idk why they dont support the other half of AL.
Remiem? And i respectfully disagree, i believe what initially made AL largely successful was its simplicity. Nowadays you have crafting, awakening, upgrading, and honestly i was wrong about how i felt about the locked crates of the watch. I initially supported the idea that the best gear had to be farmable in the game, but now i see how much of a grind it must be to compensate it's rarity and im wishing they were obtainable through some randomized amount of plat as well in addition to the grind.

I agree that twinking is at an all-time low because of the lack of attention of sub-cap growth, and in my earlier days, i did enjoying having a twink, which was a nice break from all the endgame racket.

Crates were the poor people's way of making gold. You could spend some time in brackenridge and make a low steady income off of the crates. When they took them out of brackenridge, yeah that was okay, because we could still farm them in KM3. And finally, when they took them out of KM3, it completely obliterated any farming for anyone not at cap. Which, in conjunction with the current all-time abrasive grind needed to reach the cap, lowers player interest to reach the cap and farm. The crates did more good than harm, the large amount of continuous platfarming is what ruined it.