Sts idea and concept is nice..
Recently game is changed from "Lucky to get drop" to "Get as much u worked"
I can't believe I wanna say : Bring back old "Lucky to get drop" system...
This "Get as much worked" is Kill casual players or player who can't be free continuously for hours.
Artifacts are great , and things I noted are:
1) It takes 1000k mob kills for 1 run.
It's not big deal if u have to kill 2k mobs in a day " killing 1k mobs/hour is far too much.."
2) it requires 310+310 ruins for crafting 1 arc artifact
I.e. 25x620 fragments are required for 1 artifact
If 1 fragment drops surely from boss (assuming from current reports may change in future)
It will take 15,500 runs
Now either pay 25 plats for a run or kill 1000 mobs ( 250 if u count in pt load sharing)
So . 387500 plats or 3,875,000 personal mob kill for a arc artifact
3) clearly it will need years of farming else buy ruins
If we expect 1k for 1 fragment cos of efforts required for 1 token
It will cost 15m
So again it's Undying orb's brother.
Please bring back old Lucky to get drop days and our old Arena