Quote Originally Posted by alxe View Post
well, it looks like you've put alot of effort into this thread but as a PVE mage for over 3 years i can tell you that lifegiver is NOT good at all for PVE,all you do is save urself some pots(+ aggro the enter map on you) and if people stoped useing it in PVE id have less players begging for mana now and then. i see damage and movment speed passive pointless since you already got gale, timeshift and fireball are GREAT ablities to have in PVE,especily thier mastries. and MM does not burn massive number of mobs, i mean i tried it on giant m6 pulls..max it killed was 2 and i would not call it an op AA what so ever..i know i sound a bit harsh but, i think people looking for a guide should know these.
LOL! Have you read?I said don't learn the dash of gale....means gale with no speed buff..I'm not talking about moso..MM is OP in Underhul..Moso is an OP map as of now that lvl.cap is 61

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