Quote Originally Posted by Snoobcat View Post
Do you know hyperinflation that happened in Zimbabwe? You could have 100,000,000,000,000 dollar bill (one hundred trillion) and is only enough to buy a bread.
Now imagine if awakening gems rises in price to one million gold apiece. Sounds ridiculous doesn't it? Well not exactly though since every endgamers now have billions of gold in their stash. And when i said "endgamer" i mean every endgamers that took part in maus goldmadnesss, merchants or farmers.
Now this may not look bad to YOU, because you said it yourself anyone that doesn't play maus is a bunch of lazy filthy casual and doesn't deserve to play this game , but how about the new players? What if they see the price of legendary weapons/eggs in tens of millions when they can hardly get 100k in a week? Where can they get all the gold to be a somewhat decent player in this game? Idk about other players but I quit 2 years ago after playing for a few months in this game because as a new player, the only way to get gold at that time was to lick jarl's butt so he can give me a few lockeds to feed my heh "legendary" deer. I was extremely lucky at that time though since I did a bunch of free offers to get plats so I can open those locked watch crate and I opened it during shark week to loot a Hammerjaw! Worth abt 4m at that time (and my total asset at that time just got quadrupled after months of farming jarl) Wow me so rich! Wow samael 25m...Wow kershal 50m........ Uninstall. Those dark age may make a comeback if sts decides to give everyone 6969% gold loot.
Wow dovabear 15m, wow nightshade 30m, wow heroic nekro ur credit card, ur House, ur car, ur firstborn and 50 years into slavery. Doesn't matter you can play AL!

And what about an actual casual players in this game though? This is a mobile game, not everyone has the time to invest hours into this game. And when they hear that you need to farm weeks to months so you can unlock the next area so you can do MORE farming so you can unlock the next area so you can do EVEN MORE farming™, this is surely the best idea that every casuals would love to do! /s
Gold loot isn't affecting the pet market or they would have gone up higher ....most if the eggs dropped during eggxavier are being used up for 150 pet aps kershal is rising price because it's rare and the best mage vanity .... the only thing that has gone up even a little is weapons ....and that's because everyone is looking for the same one or two for pve y'all are literally overreacting ....