Quote Originally Posted by Dolloway View Post
Fake list. No Ghost in top 10 mages.

On a real note, you could make a case for any of those top 5 birds to be the true #1 based on whatever your criteria for judging is. They have all had their days and they're all very consistent over a long period of time. The same may very well go for mages. As for bears, and this is me being completely honest, I think Cloak and Glad are and always have been miles above every other bear and dominated for such a long period of time that any top list completely dips after those top two spots.

Anyway, it was nice to hear some old names that I haven't heard in a while. To know that they're still appreciated and remembered by those who knew them is nice.
Yeah, you absolutely could make a case for any of these birds or mages.

I definitely have to agree with you about Gladiator and Cloak. Truly, if one of these guys is on your team, you are more than likely to win.