If so, could you answer the following questions:
What class is your twink?
What level do you cap at?
Which skills do you use?
Where do you farm energy essence during events?
If so, could you answer the following questions:
What class is your twink?
What level do you cap at?
Which skills do you use?
Where do you farm energy essence during events?
Best class for events is a Rogue, that's all I can say
Currently using aimed shot, shadow piercer, noxious bolt.
Brakenridge, dead city , sometimes hauntlet or kraag tombs if you have a pt. (Solo @ kt is kinda slow at that level)
Rogues, mages, warriors.
L1-L51. Multiples at various levels. All ready to go w/ gear, inventory, pots, pets, blah blah.
A la avikk: it depends on events, etc etc etc.
Star light, star bright...
Thanks guys! Interesting that rogues are still good for farming.
Just bought some golden hooks for a 16 rogue.
IGN: Kakashi <Deviant Misfits> - We run PVE!
11x Warriors
Lvl 10
11x gold tier reward
11x vendor token income
168 hrs (eyes might get red ).
Why Warrior ?
HP might reduce a lot while other classes might be dead from the same boss damage.
Less ankh, pot use.
Use two devices during portal runs for two chars at a time to make it short.
What to expect?
Less sleep.
What not to expect ?
Reaching all to plat tier.
What to drink ?
Red bull.
Good luck!
Sent from my SM-J700F using Tapatalk
Last edited by quileos; 06-12-2017 at 05:23 AM.
my entry is my signature!
quileos: my guess is 1999
Whichever lvl has the cheapest speed set that lvl.....
Do you know what is mac and ip address? Try searching Google for both and meanwhile let me explain to you something. A household Wi-Fi has only one assigned ip address so does public Wi-Fi. Now suppose if two siblings or two persons access the game at the same time on those Wi-Fi connections, specify me the reason of why they should be banned for this?. How about a group of friends playing the game inside a cafeteria using its Wi-Fi? So my friend, even if you use two devices to play different chars at the same time it's not possible to know that those two accounts are accessed by same person or not let alone being banned for it. I hope you understand.
Sent from my SM-J700F using Tapatalk
Last edited by quileos; 06-12-2017 at 05:21 AM.
my entry is my signature!
quileos: my guess is 1999
[QUOTE=Horme;2709596]You just admit
what's there to admit ?
Sent from my SM-J700F using Tapatalk
Last edited by quileos; 06-12-2017 at 06:45 AM.
my entry is my signature!
quileos: my guess is 1999