Quote Originally Posted by runagain View Post
Lol... So how are ppl supposed to merch then? AL Traders Market will also die.. it's like you're removing eBay and such things for real World LOL.. And tho still, platfarm and gold buy/sell Will still exists.

Ppl will list An item very pricey, the gold buyer buys the item and pays the seller.

To make it short, your idea makes no sense.
How about both (auction and trade) get removed? The game that I currently playing has no such trade or auction system, and the access to premium currency isn't limited (platinum in this game), they are achievable via daily quest or offer. I haven't heard peoples whining about scam or anything else related to it. Actually, why don't they just make such selling gold be legal, It is happened and only few unlucky peoples that got banned. In my country, the gold seller even own over gold cap which is crazy.