Reason PvP is fading are actually pro PvP players.
Its bitter bt true that there is very low chance for new players to join n learn pvp cos as they enter , they find themselves among master pvpers who simply insult them saying(commanding) " Leave this map" and if u don't leave, u r left alone like a ice cream for opponent team
New player joins next map then again pros joins, opponent hunt them and own pro team members start insulting and sometimes humiliating them.

Its not easy for new players to Learn pvp who are also respected pve players or who live far from US with ping higher then 400 on 4g or both respected with high pings; leave pvp untouched

And other hand most of pvper are people from level cap 41 or earlier and majority of pvp is limited to few guilds.
Old players leaves/ take breaks and new can't learn/play

There are normal version for elite maps, there is graveyard for maus
But nothing for pvp (guilds only choose best players for gb so gb isnt option)

If there is some elite and normal version for pvp
Like : pvper having kills more then 500 kills wont get any kill kdr in normal pvp map but death counts ( low lvl map's kdr concept) and there is open elite pvp version for all .

Enerzeric U r also a good suggestion maker .. think buddy think .. bring some good suggestion