Quote Originally Posted by Vvildfire View Post
Personally I'm not against the limitation to the map's access. It's probably because I'm a casual player, I'd be kinda fine with one run per day (yes, you can use that against me, but hear me out). But to put it in the devs' perspective, no one would want to work hard on an area, just to have people get bored of it in a couple months. I kinda understand that. We always crave for new things (see the "we need new vanities, not recolors" threads), or things that are hard to get (that's what farming is about). I feel like we, as humans, can enjoy the anticipation, the hype, just as much, if not more, than the action itself.
With just one run per day, I'm sure we will all enjoy that one run a lot more than our 20th, 30th run of the day.
AL won't die because you can't play ONE expansion constantly.
Hell, I've seen people expressively wishing they could run Mausoleum forever.

Now, if the purpose of the limited access is to preserve our enjoyment of the expansion's contents, I think it'd also make sense to limit the amount of platinum-purchased entries, as well. Of course, being a premium feature, it should allow the p2p player to run a few more than the f2p one... But not infinite. Maybe let them run at most five times as much as freemium users. I think that'd satisfy the farmers who don't want plat players to dominate the lvl 66 market.
If maps r designed with good concept , people keep playing them .. check elite king n cryo chamber.. they r more then year old and still fully active..

Making a free entry twice or thrice isnt deal.. wisdom of playing expansion is main thing..
If farmers want more chances they will simply make more toons copy of there main.