Quote Originally Posted by saik1993 View Post
Well this is part of what I said in all my posts and even then they got deleted. There was no drama in them justg, I just stated why I didn't like it, the things that made me not like it and what will happen. Of course I don't speak for the whole community here but a majority of my friends who are all f2p and farm maps like me don't agree with the idea of limited access to dungeons. Artifacts was different since it's like side content or event like thing for people.Expansion is supposed to be the main content in a game. I really liked the mausoleum expansion in that I could run and run to my hearts content to get better loot. The new expansion just seems to be a huge u-turn and that
turns me off a bit that's all. Not a salty rant or drama inducing post just stating my opinions.
Bubisun...first time seeing u angry 😄😄

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