Quote Originally Posted by Justg View Post
Game has been stable for 7 years, and it is not, despite lots of reports of the sky falling, gonna die quick.

I get that you would like us to do more for the game. So would we, but we have launched 7 games since we launched PL. We are a company, in business. Our goal is to delight and entertain, but also to grow. We need to continually evolve in order to do so. Are you still playing on an original iPhone, or iPod Touch? No, because Apple (like most companies) continue to evolve and innovate.

I appreciate your analysis, but you need to understand that most companies would have shut down PL a long time ago. We love the game, and the community, so we will continue to run it for as long as we can.
That really means a lot and PL will never die to me in my opinion.