I just bought a hooks for 5m from a pvp rog 26 yipiee.
Can anybody share a most unforgettable luck in your al lifee?
I just bought a hooks for 5m from a pvp rog 26 yipiee.
Can anybody share a most unforgettable luck in your al lifee?
Looted arcane chest in 1 try only.
Looted scale in gy.
Looted fossil and shard in 4-5 locks (like over a year ago ) and I believe 100plat a few locks later. Then I spend a few k plat on locks since and only 1 shard .
I bought ker shal on cs for 700k and sold for 4,5m on the same day, and also I hoarded 7-8 vials and sold for 370k each , all my money was made from luck and also tons on farming(egg event)
Looted 2 cryostar vanity cores in one day.
Well mine is like other kind, but still lucky enough tho
Accidentally listed ghost vest for 700k in auc, 10min later no one bought and canclled xd
ign Battling /irg /answer
Custom banner 4m pm me ⌥[▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▍ ]⚠
My biggest luck was this summer I made in 2 mount 40m by merching I started at 43m and now have after 2 mount 90-91m haha many big luck haha.
Looted tavern and smelly helm from jarl event best luck ever for me 😉
"An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, evil for evil"
Awakening my venom ring with 90 gl in one try...and also buying voice belt 80 gl wth only 2.5m and selling it for 4.5m in the same day..
i recently got 50%gl 50% gl and 3% luck on my treasure talisman amulet :P i was extremely shocked !
Last edited by Spell; 09-25-2017 at 04:02 AM.
Keep 1000 vial for 6month. And now be 400k each yippe
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Dropped just 84 bloodgrub hairs in a kt4 run during event. My best day ever.
I got free 100 gold lmao
My best is got five massive in M6 in single run.
Back when we still had 2x arcane weekends for lockeds, I looted 3 arcanes from a single locked. If I remember right, I got a fossil, arcane deary and a mage arcane staff.
I bought my ruby with para and eye for 100k and also got ornate brown shield and red version of it from auc for 2.5k each lmfao!!!! Ik I am a lucky mother fudger
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ive always gotten garbage from lockeds (not crying just stating a fact), so nothing to say there, but today i got a original word ign purely by luck cuz i saw something @0@
I killed eggzavier 4 times, but no drop of egg.