Hey, il start..
STS already said they are small company, but if you are small company that doesn't means you can't make your games popular. Its just pretty wierd why you guys don't post any videos on youtube or your facebook pages, those social media things can make game wayyyy popular! Your games is amazing guys, Im playing arcane legends very long time, and I can't go away from it! its just a big hype for me and I think for other players too, many players wants get something more in the game and many players can come in game if you will share your game in those social media (yt, fb and more..) Everyone will gonna say this is just mobile game.. no its not! Its more than mobile game! Im as a youtuber im trying to share this game too,
many players back to game because they saw my videos (I don't talking only about me, many youtubers doing this thing too and I really appreciate what are they doing! <3) I just saying, I can't be silent at this point because this game can be wayyy popular! More then like in old times (Sorry for my english too =D) Love you STS <3