Quote Originally Posted by Boltag View Post
Some of players are casual player. When the cap was 41, it was easy to to reach cap even we have to grind the tombs. But now is a lot to do, awakening, leveling, artifact, etc. It's not hack and slash anymore.
I played in season 1 and I thought it was a hard to reach cap back then at 21 lmfao. Now so easy to lvl to 46.. Only takes me 2h no joke.

P.S: STS is not looking to expand their current fan-base for AL. They are focused on attempting to attract a new base of players though their new game which is not MMO as confirmed by Justg in several threads previously.

A lot of their resources are focused on that. I noticed that the dev come online everyday now and but has little interactions with the community here. I assume they are working for the development of the new game. ( Yes, I stalk the devs and regularly check what they are looking at/ activity)