Looking foward to the new game even if I don't get to trial the beta.
I don't know where to post this but I have a suggestion for pvp.
Rank System - Players will compete as a team in order to increase their pvp reputation, pvp reputation is reset every season & contains exclusive rewards for every player who meets the quota for that season.
There will be a certain amount of stages or tiers you will have to reach in reputation in order to claim these rewards, the rewards will consist of platinum, a title & vanity items.
These vanity items/titles are exclusive meaning they will only be available once. The reason I chose vanity over real gear is because it won't affect gameplay, it is just for the looks & displays you're a pvp veteran.

Basically people will be matched in teams either with friends, guild members or randoms to fight other teams to climb the ranks. Every win nets you a certain amount of reputation & losing makes you decline in rank. You only have to reach the top tier once during the season to claim all of the rewards.
In order to reach the top tier you will have to be in the top 100 or so people.
You will be matched against teams who are closer to your rank so you have a fair fight. A teams rank is calculated between each player individually. Meaning Rank 1 will be matched against the closes rank to them who is also queued for a pvp game, works the same for your team mates.

I think this type of pvp system people will enjoy a lot, they will be fighting for more than just a kdr but respect.
With the party system & auto queue new players will be able to join pvp without friends if they're solo or have no friends. Upon winning or losing a pvp match you will be prompt with the option to add the players who you just fought with. This system will bring the community together allowing many solo players to make new friends.
Everyone has to work as a team in order to reach the top so this will give them a reason to make friends.
I also think having this seasonal pvp tournament challenge is a nice way to reward those who prefer to pvp over pve. This will bring inspiration to peoples hearts giving them a reason to fight & work as a team.

Will you be the hero of Alterra?