Quote Originally Posted by Greoatef View Post
hmmmm .... i started a new twink the other day, just for some fun ... to try and get a feel for the game from a fresh perspective.

I think as a brand new player to the game, having to wait for 10 days before using cs is not necessarily a bad thing. There is so much to do, look at, explore, find your feet in the game and discover how everything works. Getting into and following the quest line also takes a fair amount of time .. so getting to grips with cs and the market at the very beginning of game is over complicating things?
I mean ... to be honest ... at very low levels im finding that there nothing i would want to put in cs anyhows?!?!?!? You dont loot any good gear that you could sell for any gold ... neither do you get any locked crate drops or anything like that. You just loot better gear than you have and can get better equipped. You dont really get ant good drops until you hit Garetta and can farm fangs and stuff .... but in order to fight the Orcs you have to be roughly at level 50. A brand new player to the game is NOT going to get to level 50 in 10 days ...

Maybe you are looking at the whole "10 days is a long time to wait for a trading permit" from the wrong perspective?
From a brand new player to the game its just fine and dandy ... and in actual fact is helpful NOT to be able to access cs until then, because cs is complicated imho
From an experienced players perspective of course this is different .. 10 days wait would be very frustrating.

So ... i want to know WHY do you want to create a toon and have access to cs instantly ... what would be the purpose of this?
As an experienced twink player i can say that it is not fun to wait 10 days for a trade permit, it is a fact that Arcane legends is not even a difficult MMO game. It is a very simple game that a mediocre player can understand this even in the beginning if you create a new account and try to recognize the game there is really no 10 days left to not recognize the game mechanism 8 out of 10 times an accidental player says to understand the basic of the game that's more by the number of players that has never played another MMO it is for new twink players and old players just easier to get cheap gears through an auction house and you do not have to list in the auction house if you do not want it, but a merchant or hardcore farmer type of player think differently in those 10 days that you have to purchase a trade permit. You can buy 5 auction slots "with story tokens", which is 7 days as an experienced twink player. I can tell you that as a twink you can farm "X" number of victus runes which are worth 200k each and that is not bad for a twink player "if you have the motivation for it" only i am more a merchant myself actually in fact you don't even need some lvl 50 plus character to finance your twink and i do not look at a wrong perspective at all, there is no wrong perspective only different, mostly limited, perspectives exist. I compare my own perspective, how i look at things, with what i can see.

From my experience it is therefore not convenient to have a trade permit at the beginning of the game because a quest gives more information to new and old players if you want to start with a new account and a trade permit is not a guide and that is another fact that people can not object to let me tell one thing auction house is not difficult at all in this game i know "Y" number of players "whose English is not our mother tongue" to use auction house i do not want to brag but i have made 250 mil gold as a f2p twink by being a merchant.