Quote Originally Posted by Flamesofanger View Post
Hello to all of you beautiful people of Arlor. And Please. Hear me out.

Taking care of a guild is hard and risky and sometimes trusting people is just near to impossible nowadays after so many....

So many incidents of very well trusted people turning out to be big trolls earning the trust of others by gaining the Leader ship of the guild or being an officer and

then the trolls just end up either disbanding the guild or kicking an insane amount of members out.

And now here's the Big message i wanted to send out to all of you guilds, especially You. Guild Masters.

To all of you guild masters, whenever you go offline it's better to demote your members from Officer rank > back to recruiter rank and also ask the guildie of yours who you've promoted to master to give the leader ship back to you.

So you can prevent mass kicking and disbanding. And whenever you come online you promote them back to Master/Officer rank.

Just wanted to send this message out there after I've heard of so many incidents where guilds unfortunately fell victim to such attacks, and it's really sad that this happens.

Thank you for reading this message and i hope you have a great day. Take care.

UPDATE: I've read all of your replies, And thank you for your feedback. This was just a message i wanted to put outside there just incase, and i said "It's near to impossible to trust" i didn't actually try to say "Never trust anyone like ever." All i was saying was it's hard to trust nowadays and i've also seen alot of leaderboard guilds disappear due to alot of incidents such as: Mass kicking, Disbanding. and alot of other things, I'm not going to say the names of the guilds to avoid drama. This was just my opinion and i apologies if i've caused any misunderstanding. Thank you for reading and i hope you all lovely people have a good day.

UPDATE#2: I'm seeing alot of people saying "Why promote others to master" to me, i do not do that and never will.
All I've just said was "I've seen quite alot of guilds that actually do that". Ask the guilds who promote like that if you'd like there answer. Not me. Cause i don't have the answer to it Cause as i've stated before. I do not and never will give the front seat of the ship as it's my duty and i have to keep what i've started alive. Thank you for reading and have a nice day.
I'm sorry yet again if i've caused any confusion.
Regarding mass-kicking, there already is a function that bans an officer for kicking too many members in a short period of time. I've seen that personally

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