Quote Originally Posted by CanonicalKoi View Post
Courtesy counts. I've told a boatload (metric) of newer players to change, "Rev" or "Heal" to "Rev pls" or "Heal pls". Mages don't have to do it. It's nice that they do and I appreciate them spending the mana/running into a firestorm to do it/dying because they used Revive instead of an offensive spell to protect themselves. The least I can do is be courteous.
You are right, and tbh, sometimes I'm guilty of not using please like I should. I am a very polite person in real life, but just seems like in this game I'm so used to the quick typing while playing that I excuse it in my mind and it seems to be more common here than in real life. Nonetheless, you're right, and its good to remember to use please and thank you.