I don't blame people for not having perspective, if you see most of the post here denotes "I", its human psyche - simply dictates: why should others get it easy when I got it hard. And I totally don't blame you guys, as I said before: people got used to bad economy that now they think its normal.

Appreciating the game for new content, comparing it with other games, defining grinding and hard work or giving ideas on how to make gold is not the objective of this thread. This isn't about how you became rich or how to become one.

Understand this: Economy of the game is considered healthy when the average player is able to equip them self to be able to reach and play the endgame, when an everage player is able to afford items by doing the content itself. This isn't about being able to buy expensive vanities. This isn't about luxury. It is about filling the necessity.

So just because you are doing alright, it does not mean everyone is. "I" am wealthy does not equal economy is healthy.
I can totally say everything is cool too and sit with my arms crossed. Because I am in that bracket now where bad economy does not affect me. I am not an average player, I mean I might not be rich, but I have everything I want (now I got Lucky Golem too ) + I run LB. But then we are just that 5% of the total population of the game. What about the 95%?

The problem is the majority of the players who get affected by this are not even on the forum, hence all I can do is give ideas, ask devs to check the stats and cross my fingers for best.