Quote Originally Posted by SuperGotenks View Post
You just contradicted yourself in the same post.
Doing exactly what everyone else has been doing. Picking 1 line and saying that im contradicting and/or wrong.

Once again. You must not have seen the word "could". If im not mistaken, "could" is past tense? Meaning this was BEFORE EXPLOITATION.

One flaw in everyones states about reborn having a chance to win BEFORE EXPLOITATION, was the fact that most of reborns caps are from the plat purchasers in the guild. Our top 5 officers have 20+ caps each. Officers alts and others alts are what makeup the majority of Reborns 300 or so members. All hand picked by officers/GM because of past friendships. This avoids all the spys and all the noobs that continue to seek to destroy and hate on the guild, exactly the problem tron had with accepting nearly anyone.

Youre also reading into my statement when i said "several people from OG guilds are joining PC because they were refused entry into Reborn, or because they otherwise wouldnt have had a chance at the new white dragon set". Restoration and apex are examples of this. The majority of restoration are plat purchasers. Though they are picky on who they let into their guild. The guild only really dies when Dolloway takes a break from PL. They had a chance at winning BEFORE EXPLOITATION. Plat purchases would have let them kill faster with psyko/thrasher/pure stats and they all would have had their own solo games.

Apex is mainly a pvp guild and barely does any farming anymore. Since 76 cap i have barely seen apex farm constantly for new gear or just to make gold. They mainly just get geared up for pvp. The guild takes a down turn when Cold decides to disappear just the same way Dolloway does from restoration.

Now im not assuming they are bored of the game or just hate the game because of lack of updates, but this is one reason why their guilds die and arent active like they USED to be. This does not mean that their guilds dont become active AGAIN when there is a new update because i know for a fact restorations pops up everywhere when new caps/events happen.

With this new update that introduced, AT LAST, the new White dragon vanity set. This created a ton of activity in inactive guilds such as apex and restoration. With that activity, ANY guild COULD have won BEFORE EXPLOITATION of the guild vs guild INTENDED competition.