The rate at which a dagger can auto is 0.5x. If 0.5x occurs on a dagger, does it not cause proc to occur more often? The time period at which the proc occurs is long enough so that the proc will occur again because the dagger is 0.5 speed. What it means is it’s impossoble for a mage or bear to survive once a proc is initiated while rhino is utilizing the weapon.
When a rhino utilizes a Volta Dagger set, it’s almost impossible to beat. Reason is:
1) rhino has high armor
2) chasing speed
3) heal
4) debuff
Basically it’s like a mage with better features in a 1v1 environment.
A proc is a nice feature in PvP but he shouldn’t be a major factor in determining who will win. The duration of these procs contribute to the outcome way too much. The time period of these procs should be reduced to minimize the effects.